Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kinda Bummed

 I was really hopping for more snow or somethin.

Still might get it, its been sleeting and theres been some freezing drizzle for a couple hours.

I'm kinda bummed watching Guitar man going through his totes, getting all of his stuff ready to leave for school.

Sax Man fixed supper tonight so I didn't have to, and hes been getting his laundry washed and ready to go as well.

Its been nice having them both home for so long. It will be like starting all over when they go back to school. The empty nest all over again, only this time I know how bad its gonna suck instead of just anticipating it.

I know it will only last a few days then it will be back to the same ol same ol. School, homework, blah, blah, blah.

I'm trying to think of it in terms of "I had a great time with them while they were home" instead of "damn I'm gonna miss them". Kinda the glass half full instead of half empty....

Either way I'm kinda bummed.

This was supposed to post last night but our Internet went out....again. As it turns out there wasn't enough snow fall last night to close school and the roads seem pretty clear so it looks like the boys will both be going back to school sometime today.

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