Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Days!

 The Cable Guy came home last night bearing gifts. Hes such a thoughtful, caring husband that works hard to take care of me and the kids. I love you so much and I'm so thankful to have you in my life.

I hope you all have a great day, but try to remember that today isn't always a happy day for everyone. Show some love to those who may not have anyone to celebrate with for whatever reason.

Its all about LOVE, whether its romantic love for your spouse, love for your kids, or love for your friends, reach out to someone and let them know you care.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I Have A Confession To Make

I'm addicted..

To True Blood

No...its true, I am and I freely admit it.

Not only am I addicted to True Blood, I'm addicted to the entire Sookie Stackhouse book series.

My addiction started all because of a former classmate. We had been talking about the then upcoming release of New Moon and she casually made the suggestion that if I liked the Twilight series I should also read the Sookie Stackhouse series. Well OK it was the end of the semester, a very long semester, and I was in the beginning stages of what turned out to be my first known MS flair up. So, I didn't really give it much thought, I wrote the name of the book down and even went to the point of buying the first book in the series, but I put the book up and never started it. A few months went by and as my flair up became full blown and I spent more and more time feeling like a Mac truck ran over me I pulled that first book out and started reading.

After about the first 5 pages I was HOOKED! I read non-stop, I mean what else did I have to do...really? As the summer went on and I started feeling better I kept reading, I couldn't put it down. I was so addicted I was buying the next book in the series online to read on my Kindle AP on my Ipad as soon as I finished the last page of the other.

I did take a break at the end of the summer, it just so happened that our big family vacation took place as I was finishing a book so I forced myself to hold out on starting a new book until we got back. Let me just tell you it was NOT easy.

I knew when we got back home the Cable Guy would be leaving to work out of town, and both boys would be leaving for school so I used the books to keep myself busy while they were gone. And believe me I DID!

I read all the time, OK not all the time because I had also just started the fall semester but when I wasn't at school or doing homework I was reading.

And then it happened.

It was horrible

I was so sad, and unexpected.

I came to the end of the last book and when I went to buy the next my shock and dismay...there wasn't one!!!

I was so sad, what would I do?

Well after falling apart doing a little digging I soon found out about True Blood. I know what your thinking you don't even have to say it.  How couldn't I not know about True Blood? Well you see I didn't, and still don't, have HBO so it never crossed my mind that there would be a show.

So like any self respecting addict I started poking around on the google machine Swagbucks looking for a way to watch it online, you know because there's so many sites that you can watch TV shows online and all. Well I came up empty handed then it hit me, we have Netflix I'll try there. Well it was there alright but they didn't offer it as a watch it now series. So I had to wait. I put them all in my Que and waited for my first one to arrive in my mailbox. And then it happened, I was so excited; I opened my mailbox and there in its pretty red wrapper was my first True Blood DVD. I went straight into the house to watch it homework be damned! I opened up the little red wrapper only to be see there were only 2 episodes on it. Well I pulled up my big girl panties and delt with it determined I was going to enjoy my 2 episodes of True Blood come hell or high water.

Then it happened, the first episode started and I was having nightmares of the Twilight disaster, you know the one I'm talking about. The book was great, but the movie seriously SUCKED. Anyway I kept watching and if you know me you know I was tearing that first episode apart because it was NOTHING like the book. Well I was determined that it had to get better so I was going to keep watching, and I'm SO glad I did. I came to separate the books from the show and enjoy it as much as the books only it was torturous waiting from the time I sent my DVD, with only 2 episodes on it, back until the next one arrived.

Now some months later, yes life happens and I got sidetracked, the spring semester has started but as many snow days as we have had you would think it was the fall semester instead. This past week with only 1 day of classes all week I was going freaking stir crazy feeling a little claustrophobic being in the house for so long I thought I would take a chance and look on the google machine Swagbucks and see if I could find somewhere to watch my beloved Eric Northman. And low and behold I did it! I found them...yes them...I have stooped to watching them on whatever format I can find them because yes, I am addicted and I don't even care!

So our great weather man is calling for snow again Tuesday and Wednesday and ya know what? I don't even care because then I can watch True Blood till my little heart is content!

On a side note I got my usual email ad from BAM* a couple days, you know the ones you get when you sign up for the membership thing to get discounts, the ones I almost never open. Well I opened one and guess what...No really...guess....OK OK I'll tell ya.....the new Sookie Stackhouse book is coming out in MAY!!! Just in time for summer break...

*Books a Million